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The UC Global Health Institute (UCGHI) is a UC-wide initiative that stimulates, nurtures, and promotes global health research, education, and collaboration to advance the University’s global health agenda.



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Dr. Michael V. Drake speaking at UCGHI's first UC Global Health Day, which he hosted as then Chancellor of UC Irvine in 2010.

UC welcomes our next president:
Michael V. Drake, M.D.

The University of California Board of Regents has appointed Michael V. Drake, M.D., as the 21st president of UC’s world-renowned system of 10 campuses, five medical centers, three nationally affiliated labs, more than 280,000 students and 230,000 faculty and staff.

Ambassador Program Prepares Future Leaders in Women’s Health and Planetary Health

Four UC students reflect on their UCGHI Student Ambassador Program experience earlier this year. Ambassadors select between two areas of focus linked to the two centers of expertise within UCGHI: Women's Health, Gender, and Empowerment (WHGE) Center of Expertise and Planetary Health Center of Expertise. The program provides a leadership opportunity for students at all educational levels across the 10 UC campuses.

UCGHI Student Ambassador End-of-Program Presentations on Women's Health & Planetary Health 

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The UC Global Health Institute has created a Black Lives Matter Task Force (June 9th, 2023) with faculty, staff, and student representation to develop specific plans to address systemic racism starting with our Institute and the health and educational inequities that affect African-American communities in a highly disproportionate way.

UC Berkeley launches trial of saliva test for COVID-19

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Redefining the role of public monuments

UC Davis, professor of art, architecture and urban history of the Middle East, explains global movement to topple monuments that represent white supremacy, slavery, discrimination and the exploitation of others.

$2.7 million gift by Arnold Ventures to UCI funds most comprehensive prison violence study to date

University of California, Irvine has received a $2.7 million gift by Arnold Ventures to conduct the most comprehensive study to date into the sources and consequences of prison violence in seven states.

Hand in hand across Africa

A new style of partnerships changes lives on the vast continent.


Juan Sánchez Muñoz took up his post today (July 6) as UC Merced’s fourth chancellor.

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A UC Riverside study that sought to determine barriers to health care among Spanish-speaking Latino farmworkers in rural communities has devised an innovative health care service delivery model that addresses many challenges these communities face.

Air pollution’s connection to infant mortality

New UC San Diego study reveals air pollution, even from natural sources, has critical impacts on child health.

Still confused about masks? Here’s the science behind how face masks prevent Coronavirus

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Royal Geographical Society publishes special COVID-19 issue

UC Santa Cruz Professor, Matt Sparke, co-organizer of Global and Community Health program, highlights scholarship that contextualizes the pandemic.


UCGHI stands in solidarity against systemic racism, police brutality, and injustice – atrocities that tear down the health and well-being of Black communities. 

The UC Global Health Institute Celebrates 10 Years

COVID-19 Updates from Around the World: Video Series

UC Global Health Day 2023:
Virtual Poster Presentations

Explore global health opportunities across UC.


Call for Applications: Summer Work Experience
This UCGHI Planetary Health COE program offers students a unique hands-on opportunity.
Application Deadline: Accepting applications on a rolling basis as space and time allows

UCLA's Fielding School of Public Health are seeking summer campus representatives
July 2023

Virtual COVID-19 Conference
July 10-11

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3rd Annual Africa Interdisciplinary Health Conference
August 19-21


Explore our new global health courses for undergraduates, created in partnership with UC Online.

Learn more


A crowd of people looking at photos.

Featured partner: The Congo Basin Institute finds solutions that conserve the environment and meet the vital needs of the developing world.

Check out previous newsletters here!